By Ed Ng
Roger Federer's Forehand is one of the most beautiful tennis strokes on tour today. Federer's forehand is a versatile, graceful and powerful motion. Roger Federer is able to dominate the tour today largely due to his variety and is able to dial up the power on his forehand to generate awe inspiring winners, never seen before passing shots and incredible power and topspin.

As Roger Federer sees the tennis ball crossing the net, he begins to take his racket back, making sure to keep his racket on the right side of his body. Federer's forehand is incredibly efficient and adaptable. By taking his racket back slowly, rather than in an abrupt and rushed motion he is building up momentum and loading up for maximum power and efficiency. Club tennis players and recreational players often make the mistake of taking a quick, rushed backswing without first turning the body sideways.
Roger Federer's forehand would not be so great if it weren't for his top notch tennis footwork. Federer makes sure to set up properly behind the shot, and he chooses his hitting stance based on the incoming ball and court position. Federer makes sure to load his stance, by staying low during the hit and in an athletic base and he keeps the athletic foundation throughout the entire tennis forehand stroke.
Federer's forehand is also very unique because it contains idiosyncratic elements. Roger Federer's forehand is noted for his extreme head position - where he keeps his head position and eyes glued onto the point of contact prior, during and far after contact. Federer is great at tracking the ball throughout the swing. On slow motion videos, you can easily see how focused his eyes are during impact, and his head position stays constant throughout the entire tennis forehand stroke.
Finally, after the height of takeback, Roger Federer makes sure to allow the racket to drop below the level of the ball to impart topspin and to maximize his swing line. He then extends outward and upward after contact toward the intended direction of the ball. Finally, he finishes with a modern windshield wiper finish.
Roger Federer's forehand contains both classic and modern elements, making Federer's forehand a perfect combination of topspin, power and efficiency. Federer is able to modify the swing at times to accommodate more variety of shot selection. This is what makes Federer such a great tennis player, and why other professional tennis players on tour have difficulty matching.
Learn more about Roger Federer's forehand, and improve your tennis technique with online tennis lessons at Optimum Tennis.
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